Leaflets for people in Kensington and Chelsea
All of these files are PDF files (Portable Document Format)
We apologise for the unavailability of some leaflets. These leaflets have been taken down as they are in the proess of being updated and we hope to have the new versions available soon.
Support in your home
- Community Independence Service: helping you regain confidence and independence at home
- Occupational Therapy: maintaining independence at home
- A Guide to Direct Payments
- Direct Payments: The Basics, Benefits And Process
- Home care services - supporting you to continue living at home
- Equipment And Adaptations Processes
- Telecare - help at the touch of a button
- Deciding on your eligibility for support
- Learning Disability Team
Staying safe
Going out, staying in
- Day centres and drop-in centres in Kensington and Chelsea
- Disabled Persons Freedom Pass application form and guidance
Health and well-being
- Food for vitality - are you getting enough nutrition?
- Guide to Services For People Who Are Deaf or Hard Of Hearing
- BSL Interpreter Service
- Drop-in advice and information service for deaf residents
- Services for blind and partially-sighted people
- Living well with dementia (for Westminster, but useful for Kensington and Chelsea as well)
- Bi-borough Palliative and End of Life Contact Directory
- Planning Your Discharge Home