Maintaining or adapting your home
Living in your own home and remaining safe, independent and comfortable can be made much easier by making changes to your surroundings that suit your needs.
When a person with a disability or health problems experiences difficulty in getting about safely and independently in their home, changes can be made which will help them to overcome the problem and make their home more suitable to their needs. You may have heard of people who have installed a stair lift, ramp or accessible shower in their home.
Older people and people with disabilities or health problems can be more vulnerable than others to extremes of hot and cold weather, and to damp conditions. To help them to stay healthy their home needs to be healthy too.
Of course all of this costs money. But there is often money available to help you to pay towards the cost of any work needed.
There is also assistance available if you are struggling to keep on top of odd jobs and DIY around the home; whether you need to change a light bulb, redecorate your home, or tackle an overgrown garden there may be someone out there who can help.
This section of the site provides information on how you might go about adapting your home to suit your needs, and ensuring it remains in a healthy, safe and good condition. You'll also find advice on how you might be able to get help to pay for these things.
Click on the topics in this section for more information.