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Dementia and memory loss

As we get older we sometimes notice that our memory is not what it used to be. Our memory can be affected by age, stress, tiredness, or certain illnesses and medications. And in some cases it can be a sign that we are developing the first signs of dementia.

Worried about your memory?

It can be worrying if you or someone you know notices that you are becoming more forgetful or confused. It's important to understand that, if your memory seems to be getting worse, it does not necessarily mean that you are developing dementia.

If you or someone you know are worried about memory, you should first consult your GP. 

For more information see our Worried About Your Memory? page.

What is dementia?

Dementia refers to a number of different conditions that can affect our brains, usually as we get older, and can cause a variety of symptoms including memory loss, confusion and increased problems in looking after ourselves.

Go to our What Is Dementia? page to find out more.

Treatment for dementia

There is no cure for dementia as yet, but there are various treatments available. These include drugs that can ease or slow down the symptoms of dementia, and therapies and interventions which can help you live well with dementia.

Find out more on our page about Treatment For Dementia.

Support for people with dementia

If you have dementia, or know someone else who is living with dementia, then go to our page on Support For People With Dementia to find out about the kinds of support available to help you to continue to lead an active, independent, safe and healthy life.

Reducing the risk of dementia

It is estimated that dementia affects one in 14 people over the age of 65 and one in six over the age of 80. You can never guarantee that you will not develop dementia as you get older, but you can take steps which will help to reduce the risks.

Go to our page on Reducing The Risk Of Dementia to find out more.

Your local Dementia Adviser

If you live in Westminster or Kensington and Chelsea you can also ask your local Dementia Adviser for free, expert advice about anything to do with memory problems or dementia:-

  • Westminster Dementia Adviser
    Dementia and Memory Resource Centre 
    42 Westbourne Park Road, 
    London W2 5PH
    Contact: Marco Sepe
    Tel: 07387 412370 

  • Kensington and Chelsea Dementia Adviser
    Age UK Kensington and Chelsea
    Unit 24 Acklam Workshops
    10 Acklam Road
    London W10 5QZ
    Contact: Mandy Andrews
    Tel: 020 3181 0002
Last updated: 26/05/2022