You can find out more about the various forms of arthritis and their treatment at the NHS website.
Arthritis Actionis dedicated to helping people with arthritis to enjoy a more active life with less pain. They offer healthy eating advice, hands-on physical therapies and help with pain management. They help people whether or not they are having medical treatment.
Arthur's Place is an online magazine and social network specifically for young people with arthritis.The site includes helpful tips for dealing with everyday life - from relationships to coping at work, facts about arthritis, great videos and apps, and a network of people sharing their stories and helping each other.
Versus Arthritis offers advice and support for people living with arthritis, as well as local workshops and support groups around the country.
The National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society has a staffed helpline, runs local support groups, and produces helpful publications for people living with rheumatoid arthritis and their families and carers.
If you are concerned about joint pain or arthritis, always consult your doctor.