Psychological therapy services
Talking to a trained professional can also help you to understand and work through your feelings of bereavement. You can get access to local NHS psychological services through your GP (family doctor) or practice nurse. Your local NHS psychological therapies service provides therapy and mental health services for people with mild to moderate mental health problems, including OCD, depression and anxiety, as well as feelings related to changes in your life, bereavement, and personal and family problems.
This programme makes it easier for people to access therapies like cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and counselling.
Details for your local services are:-
- Westminster (CNWL Talking Therapies Service)
- Kensington and Chelsea (Community Living Well Psychological Therapies Service)
Other sources of support
The Loss Foundation offers bereavement support to people grieving the loss of someone to cancer. They run bereavement support groups around London and monthly support events.
Tel: 0300 200 4112
Carers Network provides a tailored service for unpaid carers
Telephone number: 020 8960 3033
Re – Engage provides telephone befriending service for over 75’s
Telephone: 020 7240 0630 or 0800 716543
Age UK provides companionship, advice and support through a wide range of services
- Age UK Westminster: 0203 004 5610
- Age UK K & C: 020 8969 9105
Mencap support for those with Learning Disabilities.
Telephone: 020 7454 0454 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)