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Support for carers

Many people who look after an adult relative or friend will be eligible for support from their local council following an assessment - you can find out more about how the assessment system works on our Carers' Assessments page.

What support is available to carers?

Even if you have not completed a carers' assessment, or are not eligible for support from your council following a carers' assessment, there is a wide range of support available.

Your local councils have broken down the kinds of support available into four levels. Depending on your situation you will be entitled to access different kinds of support.

Available to all carers as part of services for all local residents. You do not need to have completed a carers' assessment in order to access these services.

Examples of this type of support include how to access benefits advice lines, websites, libraries, Citizens' Advice Bureau, leisure centres, and work and learning opportunities. In the 'Support in your local area' section at the bottom of this page you will find links to pages with handy summaries of all of the types of support available to carers in your area.

Carers who look after a young person with a health problem or disability, and who is growing into adulthood, are entitled to a range of services which councils are now required to arrange and publicise as their 'local offer'.
You can find out more about your council's 'local offer' services for young people and their carers as follows:-

These services are only available to carers, and are arranged by the NHS and the local councils especially for carers. You do not need to have completed a carers' assessment in order to access these services.

These include health checks, training, GP support, yearly carer consultations and surveys, the carers partnership board, support provided by specialist local carer's' organisations, carers support groups, advocacy services, local activities centres and hubs, and Adults safeguarding.

Your council can support you by offering you an assessment to formally go through what you feel are your issues and needs.

A 'light touch' assessment is not as complex or lengthy as a Level 4 assessment and is carried out by your council, or by specialist carer organisations on behalf of  your council. It is designed to provide support to people who have regular and substantial caring responsibilities.

If you are eligible for support as a carer following the assessment then you will receive a carer's personal budget which you can use to pay for support which will help you in your caring role.

At this level it is likely that both you as the carer, and the person you look after, will complete an assessment with a social worker or another care professional employed by your council.

If you are eligible for support as a carer following the assessment then you will receive a carer's personal budget which you can use to pay for support which will help you in your caring role.

If the person you look after is entitled to support from the council following their own assessment then they will be provided with a personal budget. This budget may be used to meet both the support needs of the person you look after, AND your needs as a carer. For example if it is apparent that you would benefit from a break from your caring role then the cost of additional support to help you to take this break would be covered by the personal budget.

Requesting a carer's assessment from your local council 

This information is available on our Requesting a carer's assessment page.

Support and information in your local area


The Carers Network is the main organisation in Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster providing support, information, breaks and grants for unpaid carers.

Kensington and Chelsea

Kensington and Chelsea have produced a leaflet called Carers and the Care Act (being updated)

And you can go to our page on support and advice for carers in Kensington and Chelsea for a handy summary of local support options.


Westminster have produced the following publications for carers:-

And you can go to our page on support and advice for carers in Westminster for a handy summary of local support options.

Last updated: 10/01/2025