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Carer personal budgets

Carer Personal Budgets

A Carer Personal Budget (also known as a Carer Direct Payment) is a sum of money paid by a council's Adult Social Care department to help to a carer to pay for things which will help them in their caring role. It allows a carer to have more control over how they are supported.To get a personal budget you will have to have had a carer's assessment

If you are eligible for support from your council following a carer's assessment you will be given a personal budget - the amount you receive will depend on your situation, and will be paid as a lump sum. This payment will cover a 12-month period after which your situation will be reviewed with you.

You and the person who completes the assessment with you will create a support plan which will show how your support will be arranged, and how you will spend your personal budget.  

What can I do with my personal budget?

Your personal budget can be used in all kinds of ways; it's yours to use to pay for anything that will support you in your caring role and that has been agreed in your carers' support plan.

Here's how some other carers have used their personal budgets:

  • travel expenses or fees to take up leisure or education activities
  • health promotion activities such as exercise classes, gym membership, massages or relaxation or complementary therapies
  • practical things such as a washing machine or a computer
  • a short holiday to recharge their batteries
  • driving lessons
  • help with housework and gardening
  • a mobile phone
  • leisure classes to relieve stress.

The budget cannot be spent on any illegal activities,  or on alcohol, gambling or smoking. You will be asked by the council to demonstrate how you have spent your budget. 



The Carers Network is the main organisation in Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster providing support, information, breaks and grants for unpaid carers.

Carers UK provide more information on carer personal budgets (or direct payments). 

And our Events calendar offers information on support groups and other activities for carers in your area.

Kensington and Chelsea

Kensington and Chelsea have produced a leaflet called Carers and the Care Act 

And you can go to our page on support and advice for carers in Kensington and Chelsea for a handy summary of local support options.


Westminster have produced the following publications for carers:-

And you can go to our page on support and advice for carers in Westminster for a handy summary of local support options.

Last updated: 10/01/2025