Money, benefits and legal

Looking after someone's affairs

Paying for support
- Paying for private support at home
- Paying towards council support at home
- Personal Budgets and Direct Payments
- Direct Payments factsheets
- 4 - Automatic Enrolment in Pensions
- 5 - DBS Check
- 6 - Employers Liability Insurance
- 7 - Payroll Companies
- 8 - London Living Wage and the National Minimum Wage
- Paying for a care home
- Private healthcare

Care Act 2014
- The Care Act - an overview
- Information, advice, well-being and prevention in the Care Act
- Requesting an assessment - changes under the Care Act
- Carers' assessments - changes under the Care Act
- Support for carers - changes under the Care Act
- Someone to speak on your behalf - changes under the Care Act
- Safeguarding - changes under the Care Act
- Deferred payments and paying for a care home
- Personal budgets and direct payments - changes under the care act
- What happens to my care when I move home?
- Support for prisoners - changes under the Care Act