Caroline's Message

Welcome to shop4support's new Support Planning area!
My name is Caroline and it is my aim to get as many people as possible support planning for a better life. Whether you're a person with support needs, someone who cares for an individual with support needs or an organisation who is committed to enabling people to have a good life, I want to inspire you to get together and plan. With some basic skills under your belt and a variety of tools you will be able to develop a plan to achieve a good life on any budget.
In this area you'll find simple step-by-step tools and resources, all of which will enable you to develop a support plan to deliver the outcomes you want to achieve. Support planning is not just about THE MONEY, it is about addressing the fundamental needs of people to enable active citizenship, avoid isolation and loneliness and be an active member of life rather than a recipient.
I'm on a mission to spread the word about planning for a good life, so please use our support planning area and remember to pass it on to friends and family - be part of our support planning revolution!
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