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Directory Search - People

Pullen Day Centre (Westminster)

The Pullen Day Centre offers day care for 25 physically frail older people a day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
On Thursdays they offer support for 20 people with dementia.

Services offered include:

  • Door to door transport.
  • Varied and nutritious two-course lunch prepared to client's dietary needs.
  • Personal care (including support with toiletting as required)
  • Escorted outings and shopping trips, and a range of activities.
  • Serviced activities programme, like exercises, singing, quizzes.
  • Opportunities to become involved in the local community.

Services users can be referred to the centre by Westminster’s Adult Social Care Team following an assessment of their support needs.

Wheelchair Access: Access via ramp.

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