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Breathe Easy Westminster

Breathe Easy Westminster is a free Asthma + Lung UK support group for people in Westminster affected by lung conditions. Friends, family and carers are all invited for activies and socialising.

Breathe Easy Westminster hold 2 meetings a month:

  • ONLINE - A meeting on Zoom on the 1st Friday of every month
  • IN-PERSON - A meeting at top floor, Ada Court, 10-16 Maida Vale, W9 1TD on the 3rd Monday of every month. Refreshments available.

On the 3rd Monday of each month events are normally programmed with specialist talks, activities, games and networking at Ada Court, but currently suspended due to bug infestation at the venue. Do contact to confirm in New Year.

  • 28 June - Visit to the Royal Mews.
  • 5 July - Zoom: Group update and MSK support
  • 15 July - Ada Court: Optician ‘care for your eyes’
  • 2 August - Zoom: Falls Team
  • 19 August - Ada Court: Kapil, Open age Health Lungs
  • 6 Sept - Zoom: on “The Care Conundrum”

Local patient support group for anyone affected by a lung condition.

Join for a lunch, cup of tea and a chat. Friends, family and carers are welcome.

See for membership information and how to join in

If you need more information, Text Tess on 0794 651 438  or email

For more information on respiratory conditions, contact Asthma + Lung UK
