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Help for people experiencing domestic abuse

If you believe you are in immediate risk, contact the police by dialling 999.

If you are experiencing domestic abuse, you may feel afraid about looking for help because you've been threatened, or because you think no-one else will be listening to you. But you don't have to face domestic violence on your own. There are many organisations that can offer support and can help to protect you.

The Angelou Partnership

The Angelou Partnership can offer support ranging from increasing safety and understanding the criminal justice system, to enhancing emotional wellbeing. The partnership can support you over the phone, face to face, or in a group format depending on the needs and preferences of those affected. 
Freephone on 0808 801 0660.
Lines are open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm, Wednesday 6pm to 9pm
Call on 020 8741 7008. 
Lines open Monday to Friday 10am to 6pm, Thursday 10am to 9pm
Email: or
Web: Angelou website

Angelou have compiled a comprehensive directory of support services available. 


Domestic abuse is a crime and the police take it very seriously. They can enter a home without a search warrant to prevent injury, and they can arrest the abuser if necessary.

If your situation is not urgent but you want to discuss your concerns with the police consider the following actions:-

  • Ring 101 to report a previous incident
  • Visit your local police station or call your local police Safer Neighbourhood Team - find their details here

Housing Options and Support

If you are in need of emergency accommodation, you can approach your local council directly.

Other support, information and advice  

Victim Support is the national independent charity that offers support to victims of crime including women, men and children experiencing domestic abuse.

They will help by providing you with information, practical help and emotional support, and do this by:

  • Always prioritising your safety
  • Giving you time to think and to make decisions
  • Offering continued support whatever decisions you make
  • Putting you in touch with other agencies that can help, for example with housing, benefits and legal advice
  • Helping you to explore your options for dealing with the abuse

 Their services are confidential, free and available to everyone.

Victim Support accepts referrals from official and other organisations as well as self-referrals from individuals themselves, whether or not you want to report the crime to the police and regardless of when it happened.

You can contact Victim Support:

  • Call the West London Victim Assessment and Referral Service on freephone 0808 168 9291.  
    Lines are open 8am-8pm Monday to Friday and 9am-5pm on Saturdays.  

  • You can also contact your local victim care team in West London on 020 7259 2424. 
    Lines are open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

  • Alternatively, you can contact them via live chat - normal operating hours are from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. 

The national 24/7 support line -  tel  08 08 16 89 111, request support via their website, or email

The Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline, run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge, is a national service for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf.
As well as advice it can offer access to emergency refuge accommodation.
Tel 0808 200 0247.

Refuge's network of safe houses provides emergency accommodation for women and children when they are most in need.

Women's Aid is a national charity working to end domestic violence against women and children. 

ADVANCE (run by Minerva) is a women's only service that provide independent domestic abuse advocacy services across Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster. They specialise in supporting high-risk domestic and sexual violence cases (aged 15 and above) and can help with:-

  • Risk assessment, safety planning and crisis intervention
  • Providing information about housing options such as refuge spaces, emergency housing and home security
  • Liaising with different agencies (housing, Children's Services, police and criminal court) on your behalf.
  • Providing client-led, independent, non-judgemental information and support
  • Information and signposting on a wide range of issues, such as divorce, child contact, injunction, debt, immigration and counselling.
  • Advance accepts self referrals and referrals on the woman's behalf from statutory and voluntary agencies.

Tel. 020 8741 7008

The Woman's Trust Counselling Service is open to all women who are, or have been affected by domestic abuse. Counselling sessions offer a time to explore feelings and talk through difficulties in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment.
The service is for women only and is provided by only female counsellors.

The Butterfly Project is open to women living in Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea. They run drop in support groups for women who are or have been dealing with domestic abuse. 
The group offers a safe and relaxed space where women can support each other and find time for themselves. The meetings focus on creativity, learning new skills, support and empowerment through activities and speakers. 
Email for more details.

Rape Crisis London has four centres that offer help, information and support to women and girls who have experienced sexual violence of any kind, at any time of their lives.

Rights of Women is a women's voluntary organisation committed to informing, educating and empowering women concerning their legal rights.

The Women and Girls Network (WGN) support women and girls affected by all forms of gendered violence including childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, prostitution (including trafficking and sexual exploitation), rape/gang rape, honour based violence and war crimes.  More information on their WGN Advice Service Flyer and a WGN Sexual Violence Helpline Flyer
Helpline tel. 0808 801 0660 and email:

Al-Aman Domestic Violence Intervention Project is an Arabic-speaking service supporting women affected by gender based violence, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and honour based violence. The service is run by experienced bi-lingual staff from Arabic speaking countries.

The Woman's Trust provide free, women-only, client-led services to women affected by domestic violence in locations across East and West London. They offer hardship travel and childcare grants to enable access to all women. Services include person-centred one-to-one counselling - assessment and then up to 18 sessions.  Self-development workshops - one day workshops for women to learn about types of abuse and the effects on survivors and their children. Peer Support Groups - helping women overcome the social isolation that domestic violence can create.  

Many of us think of domestic abuse as being something that only happens to women, but men can also be victims of abuse whether from female or male partners. Many men don't report when they are being abused but it's important you get help.

The Men's advice line is run by the charity Respect to support men who are victims of domestic violence. Phone 0808 801 0327 (Mon-Fri 10am-5pm  or email

You can find information on domestic abuse against men on the NHS website.

Domestic abuse can be as common and as severe in same-sex relationships as in heterosexual relationships.

Galop offers support to lesbian, gay, bi and trans* people experiencing domestic abuse.
Tel 020 7704 2040 / 0800 999 5428

The Men's advice line is run by the charity Respect to support men who are victims of domestic violence, whether from female or same sex partners.. Phone 0808 801 0327 (Mon-Fri 10am-5pm  or email

Are You Hurting the one You Love? is a booklet on male violence in gay and bisexual relationships.

Stonewall Housing runs an Advice Service for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people experiencing domestic abuse.

Action on Elder Abuse (AEA) is a national charity which offers a free helpline providing emotional support, information and guidance to anyone concerned about potential abuse affecting older people.

Signheath provide a specialist domestic abuse service to support Deaf people in finding safety and security. If you are in an abusive relationship or think you might be, you can contact them on Text 07800 003421 or email:

If you are worried about abuse against children or young people, contact your local children's services without delay:

If you have immediate concerns then call the Police on 999


Access To Children's Services Team
Address: 4 Frampton Street, NW8 8LF
Tel:  0207 641 4000

For professionals, or in non-urgent cases, you can refer via MARF on-line form

Kensington and Chelsea

Family and Children's Services
Tel: 020 7361 3013
Fax: 020 7361 2078

For professionals, or in non-urgent cases, you can refer via MARF on-line form


The National Child Protection Helpline is committed to a service to anyone who needs advice, help or information about concerns for a child's welfare, or to those who want to report concerns they have about a child or young person at risk of abuse.

The Hideout is a website created by Women's Aid giving support to children and young people affected by domestic violence.

ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor about anything - no problem is too big or too small. Call free on 0800 1111, have a 1-2-1 chat online or send an email.

If you can acknowledge that you are or have been violent and abusive towards a partner, then :

The Respect charity has confidential helpline which works with perpetrators to stop.
Tel 0808 802 4040 

DViP offers a Domestic Violence Prevention Programme for men who have been violent and abusive towards a partner or ex-partner. DViP supports men to: explore their anger, understand the differences between feelings and behaviour, issues of accountability and honesty, what it means to be a dad, respectful and supportive parenting
Tel 020 7633 9181

The Forced Marriage Unit is a government office that provides support and assistance to British nationals being forced into marriage overseas.
Tel 020 7008 0151.
Out of hours: 020 7008 1500

Karma Nirvana (for so called ‘honour’ based violence) offer confidential support to both victims and professionals. Call on 0800 5999 247 (Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm)

Last updated: 07/07/2021