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Education and disability

All education establishments should make 'reasonable adjustments' to ensure that people with disabilities can access the buildings in which courses take place, and then fully participate in those courses. The government's website provides information on what people with disabilities should be able to expect when pursuing their education.

Some organisations provide specialist support to people with disabilities to ensure that they are able to access buildings and participate fully in education opportunities.

The AccessAble website provides a directory of colleges and universities in London which provide accessible courses for people with a variety of disabilities and health conditions

Going to college on regular basis may not be practical for you, but you can still study without going to college by doing distance learning. This means you can study in your own home, at your own pace. You will be given materials to work through and will have the support of online tutorials and forums. 
International Correspondence Schools (ICS) offer a range of courses online for people who don't want to attend college.

The Open University provides specialist support a wide range of support and facilities for people with all kinds of disabilities to enable them to succeed in their studies, including advice about funding. Over 12,000 people with disabilities study with the Open University.

Westminster Adult Education Service  (WAES) offers a specially designed programme of courses for students with learning difficulties and disabilities. Contact them on 020 7297 7297 or

Just because someone has a learning disability does not mean that they are not entitled to further their education and develop new skills.

If you have a learning disability many colleges have courses which can help you to develop your life skills and abilities. There are courses to help you move on to further education, to develop your workplace skills and help you to get a job, and to enable you to live more independently.

Westminster Adult Education Service  (WAES) offers a specially designed programme of courses for students with learning difficulties and disabilities. Contact them on 020 7297 7297 or

For more information on what is available in your area go to our page on Education opportunities for people with learning disabilities

Paying for a course, and supporting yourself financially whilst you complete the course, can be a costly business.

The government's main website contains information on a variety of ways in which people can access financial support to help to cover the costs of going back into education.

If you have a disability, including a mental health problem or a learning disability, you may be eligible for a Disabled Student's Allowance (DSA).

The National Union of Students (NUS) provides advice and information on all aspects of paying for your education if you have a disability.

And regardless of whether you are studying or not you should also make sure that you are receiving the full range of benefits to which you are entitled.

Last updated: 28/09/2022