Day centres, drop-in centres and community hubs
Day centres
Day centres are friendly, welcoming places offering a variety of leisure, educational, and health and well-being activities. Different day centres are available for older people, and people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities or mental health problems. Day centres are usually for people who need quite a lot of support whilst they are there, with trained staff being on site to offer this support as required.
They provide great opportunities to do something social or just sit and read the paper quietly with a cup of coffee. You may be retired and looking for social and stimulating things to do, or perhaps have mobility or other health problems and would like to get out and about and mix with others, or maybe just have lunch.
Day centres provide a range of different services, but what's available will differ between different centres. Typically they can provide:
- Hot or cold food and drink - They might host dinners or coffee mornings
- A range of exciting activities including outings to parks or local events
- Exercise and fitness sessions, including Tai Chi, dance and aerobics, all of which are tailored to be accessible and doable for people of varied abilities
- Support with transport to the centre and to local events
- Educational classes, such as lessons on how to use a computer
- Help and support with personal care and mobility when required
- Befriending services where a volunteer will meet with you on a regular basis for a friendly chat
Drop-in centres and community hubs
Drop-in centres and community hubs are similar to day centres in that they provide various activities and opportunities for older adults, and adults with learning disabilities, mental health problems or physical disabilities. However, they don't require membership or booking - you can just turn up.
You often don't need to tell a drop-in centre or hub in advance that you will be coming on a particular day. This is great when you don't know how able to leave the house you will be on any given day.
Drop-in centres and hubs are a great way to meet other people, to join in a variety of activities if you want to, and to try new things and have fun.
Going to or from a centre or hub
To attend a day centre you usually need to have been assessed as being eligible for support by your local council, whereas anyone can attend a drop-in centre or hub provided they meet the age criteria.
Many people who have been assessed as being eligible for support by their local council will then use some of their Personal Budget to pay for help in getting to or from the day centre or drop-in centre of their choice.
If you think you may have difficulties in getting to or from a centre then take a look at our section on Travel and Transport for suggestions.
Centres and hubs in your area
We have gathered together details of various day centres, drop-in centres and community hubs currently running in the Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea.
If you know of any other club, day centre, drop-in centre or any other organisation which might be of interest to users of this site then please take a minute to tell us about it using the 'Tell us what you think' button below.
Kensington and Chelsea
Take a look at our list of day centres and drop-in centres in Kensington and Chelsea
You can also look at this brochure on The Reed Centre for older people
For older people
Some day centres in Westminster are only available for people who have been assessed as being eligible for day care support after an assessment from the council.
But there are also a wide range of drop-in centres, community centres and community hubs, offering all sorts of opportunities for fun activities and social contact, which are available regardless of whether or not you have completed an assessment with the council.
Take a look at our leaflet with details of a wide range of day centres, drop-in centres and hubs in Westminster.
Westminster's Community Hubs offer a huge choice of activities and events for people over 50:-
- Westminster Hubs from Open Age
- Penfold Community Hub (Church Street Hub from Housing21)
- The Abbey Community Centre
For people with disabilities or long-term health conditions
If you live in Westminster, have a disability or long-term health condition, and are aged between 18-55 then Westminster Connect organise a weekly peer support group where you can meet people in a similar situation to you.
Community Access Westminster (CAW) consists of four-day services that provides support to people with moderate to substantial learning disabilities or/and Autism, some with complex needs, behaviours of concern, or/and mild to substantial physical disabilities.
Other events and activities
If day centres, drop-in centres or community hubs are not to your taste then take a look at our Events calendar for details of a huge choice of events and activities in the local area for people of all ages and abilities. Whether you want to take some light exercise, learn a new language, take up painting, talk about books, or just make new friends, there will be something there for you.