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Marketing Resources

Explain how shop4support came to be, using the information below.

Case studies

The following are examples of case studies that you can use in your marketing communications to promote your shop4support e-Marketplace. Each is targeted at a different key audience.


Embrace, a registered charity tell how being a shop4support store member and how using shop4support's Budget Manager, has helped them.

How has shop4support helped your members?

Some of the most important elements of gaining good support, and ultimately a good life for yourself, must be to have the knowledge and information of what services are on offer and also vitally important is what networks there are to be connected to like-minded people. shop4support is proving an excellent tool to facilitate both of those elements for our members.

Could you tell us if shop4support has contributed to any cost saving benefits in your organisation?

Providing a budget management service without shop4support involves laborious processes, huge paper trails and high administration time, all resulting in high cost implications making it unsustainable. Utilising shop4support has reduced the cost of implementing and maintaining those systems by a massive saving of 60%, enabling Embrace to invest more time with our members and continuing to make a real difference to their lives.

What key things would you say to another service provider thinking of using shop4support?

Technology is the here and now, directories and contact lists are a thing of the past. If you are a service provider who wants to be market savvy then you must get involved, never before have we had such an opportunity to display what great services we have to offer.