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- Information
- Health and wellbeing
- Taking care of yourself
- Taking care of yourself
- One You
- NHS Health Checks
- Good nutrition and balanced diet
- Affordable eating
- Getting enough vitamin D
- Help with weight loss
- Physical activity and exercise
- Bereavement
- Caring for your teeth
- Foot care
- Help to stop smoking
- Leg care and leg ulcers
- Pain management
- Pressure sores
- Sexual Health
- Sleep
- Keeping warm
- Staying cool
- Taking medication
- Getting medical advice and treatment
- Registering with a local doctor
- Going into hospital
- Health conditions
- Health conditions
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Blood pressure
- Cancer
- Chest infections and pneumonia
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Diabetes
- End of life care
- Food allergies and intolerances
- Heart disease
- HIV and AIDS
- Incontinence
- Influenza
- Lower back pain
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Osteoporosis
- Parkinson's disease
- Dual sensory impairment (hearing and sight)
- Hearing loss
- Sight loss and eye care
- Support with sight loss
- Spinal cord injury
- Stroke
- Recovering from stroke
- Urinary tract infections (UTIs / water infections)
- Dementia and Memory Loss
- Dementia and memory loss
- Worried about your memory?
- What is dementia?
- Treatment for dementia
- Support for people with dementia
- Reducing the risk of dementia
- Useful Contact Information
- Mental Health
- What is mental health?
- 10 top tips for good mental health
- Requesting mental health support
- Support in a crisis
- Support for complex mental health problems
- Mental health care in hospital
- Anxiety
- Bipolar disorder
- Depression
- Eating disorders
- Obsessive compulsive disorder
- Personality disorders
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Postnatal depression
- Other information and Advice
- Alcohol and substance misuse
- Alcohol and substance use
- Support with alcohol or drug problems
- Responsible drinking
- Worried about someone's drug or alcohol use?
- Needle exchanges
- Jobs and education advice for people with a drug or alcohol problem
- Mental health and drug or alcohol problems
- Learning disabilities and autism
- Learning disabilities and autism
- What is a learning disability?
- Autism
- Down's syndrome
- Assessment and support for people with learning disabilities
- Health support and therapies for people with learning disabilities
- Activities for people with learning disabilities
- Education opportunities for people with learning disabilities
- Accommodation for people with learning disabilities
- Short breaks for people with a learning disability
- Young people in transition
- The Local Offer
- Easy read information - learning disabilities
- Your local learning disability team
- Being safe
- Make your own decisions
- Personal budgets
- Someone to help me speak up
- Money and benefits
- Relationships
- Health
- Information about physical health
- Information about mental health
- Information about staying healthy
- Information about seeing your doctor or going to hospital
- Going Out
- Daytime activities for everyone
- Travel and transport
- Jobs and training
- Housing
- At home
- Staying in your own home
- Staying in your own home
- Regaining your independence
- Help with walking and mobility
- Equipment to help at home
- Gadgets to help you stay safe
- Requesting an assessment
- Requesting an assessment in Kensington and Chelsea
- Requesting an assessment in Westminster
- Personal Budgets & Direct Payments
- Support in your home
- Meals and meals services
- Cooking for one
- Community shopping service
- Someone to speak on your behalf
- Homeshare schemes
- Young people in transition
- What happens to my care when I move home?
- Information your council keeps about you
- Pet care
- Floating Support
- Finding somewhere to live
- Finding somewhere to live
- Local authority housing
- Private sector renting
- Housing associations
- Supported and sheltered housing
- Extra care housing
- Homelessness
- Buying your own home
- Maintaining or adapting your home
- Maintaining or adapting your home
- Major adaptations to your home
- Grants to adapt or improve your home
- Decorating, repairs and DIY
- Clutter and hoarding
- A healthy home
- Your right to a healthy home
- Care homes and continuing health care
- Care homes and continuing health care
- Choosing a care home
- NHS continuing healthcare
- Care Quality Commission
- Looking after someone
- Being a carer
- Being a carer
- Looking after a vulnerable adult
- Looking after a child with a disability
- Equality Act 2010 - provisions for carers
- Top ten tips to help relatives with dementia
- Support to look after someone
- Support for carers
- Support and advice for carers in Westminster
- Support and advice for carers in Kensington and Chelsea
- Requesting a carer assessment
- Carer personal budgets
- Getting a break - respite support
- Paying for a private carer
- Carer benefits
- Benefits for working age carers
- Carer's allowance
- Help with council tax for carers
- Older carers and benefits
- Carer's Credit
- Young carers
- Are you a young carer?
- Requesting a children's assessment
- Balancing caring with work and education
- Juggling work and care
- Your rights in the workplace as a carer
- Flexible working
- Taking parental leave
- Time off work in emergencies
- Education and training for carers
- Looking after someone safely
- Lifting and handling
- Emotional support for carers
- Money, benefits and legal
- Benefits
- Claiming all your benefits
- State pension
- Pension Credit
- Disability benefits
- Carer benefits
- Other benefits
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction
- Help with heating costs
- Help with NHS costs
- TV licence concessions
- Private pensions
- Looking after someone's affairs
- Looking after someone's affairs
- Power of attorney
- Advance decisions (living wills)
- Appointeeship and deputyship
- Paying for support
- Paying for private support at home
- Paying towards council support at home
- Personal Budgets and Direct Payments
- Direct Payments factsheets
- 1 - Employment Overview
- 2 - Alternatives to Employment
- 4 - Automatic Enrolment in Pensions
- 5 - DBS Check
- 6 - Employers Liability Insurance
- 7 - Payroll Companies
- 8 - London Living Wage and the National Minimum Wage
- Paying for a care home
- Private healthcare
- Managing your money
- Budgeting Loans and Local Support Payments
- Coping with debt
- Saving money on your energy bills
- Saving money on your water bills
- Grants and charity payments
- Independent financial advice
- Legal
- Obtaining legal advice
- Legal aid
- Making a will
- What to do when someone dies
- Making your own decisions (Mental Capacity Act 2005)
- Deprivation of liberty
- Community Care legislation
- The Mental Health Act
- Your rights as a patient
- Equality Act 2010
- Tenancy rights
- Support for offenders
- Staying safe
- Abuse and neglect - safeguarding adults
- What is abuse and neglect, and why does it matter?
- Who is an adult at risk?
- Who might cause abuse?
- What to do if you think someone is at risk of abuse
- Domestic abuse
- What is domestic abuse?
- Who is affected by domestic abuse?
- Making your home safe from domestic violence
- Taking legal action against domestic abuse
- Help for people experiencing domestic abuse
- Safety in the home
- Fire safety
- Avoiding accidents in the home
- Preventing falls in the home
- Home security
- Scams, rogue traders and bogus callers
- Message in a bottle scheme
- Support in a power cut
- Hate crime
- Staying safe on-line
- Getting out and about
- Travel and transport
- Accessible public transport
- Community car scheme
- Community transport
- Dial-a-ride
- Freedom passes
- Mobility scheme
- Parking and Blue Badges
- Patient and hospital transport
- Rail concessions
- Taxicards
- Toilet facilities
- Wheelchairs
- Things to do
- Community Providers and their activities
- Accessible holidays
- Day centres, drop-in centres and community hubs
- Black and minority ethnic activity and social groups
- Staying in touch in later life
- Accessible resources in the community
- Discounted resources
- What's on in London?
- Befriending services
- LGBT+ activity and social groups
- Volunteering
- Exercise and sport
- Your local library
- Armed Forces and veterans
- Armed Forces and veterans
- Armed Forces Community Covenant
- Support for veterans
- Work and learning
- Work and learning
- Accessing work
- Accessing work
- Employment rights
- Finding a job
- Volunteering
- Other volunteering opportunities in your area
- Accessing education
- Continuing your education
- Accessing education
- Education and disability
- Computer skills
- Computer skills - courses
- Computer skills - resources
- Leaflets
- Leaflets for people in Westminster
- Leaflets for people in Kensington and Chelsea
- For professionals
- For Professionals
- Community Catalysts
- Safeguarding, Mental Capacity and DOLS
- Safeguarding, Mental Capacity and DOLS
- Publications
- Useful organisations and links
- Employee assistance programme (EAP) designed for Personal Assistants
- Training information for Personal Assistants
- Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Information
- Guidance for Direct Payment Employers and PAs
- Your voice
- Your Voice
- Complaints and feedback to your council
- Care Quality Commission
- Rate your care on the NHS website
- The Local Government Ombudsman
- Someone to speak on your behalf
- Your Local Healthwatch
- Cost of living
- Cost of living
- Help guides
- Local Support
- Food Support Services
- Mental health and wellbeing support and advice
- Other useful websites
- Grenfell
- About Us
- Accessibility Statement
- Contact Us
- Contact your Council
- Kensington and Chelsea Contact Details
- Westminster Contact Details
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Disclaimer
- GDPR & Privacy Notice
- Terms and Conditions
- Cookie Notice
- Care Act 2014
- The Care Act - an overview
- Information, advice, well-being and prevention in the Care Act
- Requesting an assessment - changes under the Care Act
- Carers' assessments - changes under the Care Act
- Support for carers - changes under the Care Act
- Someone to speak on your behalf - changes under the Care Act
- Safeguarding - changes under the Care Act
- Deferred payments and paying for a care home
- Personal budgets and direct payments - changes under the care act
- What happens to my care when I move home?
- Support for prisoners - changes under the Care Act